Sunday, January 6, 2008


I am a modding addict, and probably run more mods than is healthy. I will list below all the mods I have installed, and what they do:

ActionButtonColors- Reds Out of range skills, Blues OOM skills
Aloft- Customizes Nameplates of mobs
Alphamap- Semitransparent map alternative
Altinvite- lets you alt click a name to groupinvite
Aecheologist- Unitframes used by other programs
Arena Calculator- lets me see current rating in points, points per week, etc
Ash_communication - used by DoTimer
Ash_communication- DoTimer bars
Ash_core- used by Dotimer
Ash_Dotimer- privides bar timers for cooldowns/dot durations
Ash_notifications- used by Dotimer
Ash_PlayerAuras - Dotimer for buffs
Ash_prominence- prioritizes Dotimer bars
Atlas- Instance map browser
Atlas[Battlegrounds]- Atlas modular plugin
Atlas[Dungeon locs]-Atlas modular plugin
Atlas[Entrances]- Atlas modular plugin
Atlas[Flight Paths]- Atlas modular plugin
Atlas[Outdoor Raids]- Atlas modular plugin
Atlasloot Enhanced- Loot browser for instances, PvP rewards, etc
AtlasLoot_BCInstances- AtlasLoot Modular Plugin
AtlasLoot_OldInstances- AtlasLoot Modular Plugin
AtlasLoot_RepFactions- AtlasLoot Modular Plugin
AtlasLoot_SetsAndPVP- AtlasLoot Modular Plugin
AtlasLoot_WorldLoot- AtlasLoot Modular Plugin
Auc-Advanced (Core) - Auctioneer modular plugin
Auc:Filter:Basic- Auctioneer modular plugin
Auc:ScanData- Auctioneer modular plugin
Auc:stat:purchased stats- Auctioneer modular plugin
Auc:stat:simple- Auctioneer modular plugin
Auc:Stat:std deviation- Auctioneer modular plugin
Auctioneer- Ultimate Auctionhouse tool
Autoprofit V4.5- vendors grey stuff
ArcaneBar- Adds casting bar to playerframe
Bartender3 - Button manager. Replacing the spell buttons in game
BeanCounter- - Auctioneer modular plugin
Better Item Count - displays #s for items in stacks of over 99/999
BigBrother- tells me who broke CC(sheep/etc) and who is not flasked/fooded/etc
Bigwigs - Tons of boss info, timers, counters, warnings, etc
Bigwigs [Zul'Gurub] - Old world stuff isnt included in bigwigs. Had to manually add
BonusScanner- adds cumulative item bonuses to item tooltips
Bottom Scanner- - Auctioneer modular plugin
Cartographer- Lets your maps do SO much more
Cartographer [cleanup] - removes duplicate notes
Cartographer_fishing- adds fishing nodes to map
Cartographer_treasure- Adds treasurespawn points to map
Cast Time- adds text timer to casting bars
CensusPlus- takes an hour to get the name/guild/level of everyone on server, then let you sort/search. Nice mod, but memory HOG.
cgprofiler- Sends info to, and lets you profile other users
Characters Viwer 2.88- lets you check inventory/bank of any of your characters from anywhere
ChatEdit- lets you highlight/copy/paste to chat window
ChatScroll- lets you scroll chat with mousewheel
ChatTimeStamps- Adds timestamp to chat window
Chronos- Lets addons find out time and schedule things
Clock- Changes in game sun to a clock
CombatStats - Shows combat numbers extended. not all that useful.
ConsisTint- Channel colors saved by name
Critline 4.3- displays each time you crit, and what your all time records were for both crits and non-crits
CT_buffmod - CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_Core - CT_Raid has a boatton of features for raiding. Too many to list. Some overlap between CT_Raid, DBM, and Bigwigs.
CT_MailMod- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_Mapmod- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_raBossmods- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_Timer- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_Unitframes- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
CT_Viewport- CT_RaidAssist modular plugin
DebuffCount- shows a number over me for how many debuffs are on a mob. Remember the 40 debuff cap...
DetachedMiniButtons- removes the mapbuttons from the map and lets you move them anywhere! Requires some Customizeing work by you, i recommend for advanced users.
DurabilityStatus- gives me a tiny box with my durability on items as % and total repaircost
Earth- library used by other addons
EasyMail- lets me open 100s of mail at a time
eePanels2- lets me customize my UI. Purely cosmetic
Enchantrix- Auctioneer plugin to do a LOT with enchanting, numbers on values, etc.
EnchantrixBarker- used by enchantrix
EnhancedLFG- Lets me see spec on some people in the LFG channel
EnhTooltip- helps other addons play nice when changing tooltips
EquipCompare- anytime i check an item, it shows what i have equipped next to it
Equipment Evaluator- Calculate total stat gains/losses from items
Examiner- advanced tools when inspecting other players
FeatureFrame- no idea what it does, but needed for 3 other addons i have
Fire- Helps evaluate bugs
FireTree- XML library
FishingBuddy- Fishing trade helper.
FishingBuddy outfit frame- lets you make a fishing outfit
Fishingbuddy Tracking Frame - Tracks fishing catches
Fishingbuddy Merge Databases - Lets fishing buddy track fish cross-character
FluidFrames- lets you resize/move almost anything
FreeBagSlots- displays total # of empty bag slots
FriendsFacts- lets you store notes about other players
Fubar- addonspamfu- tracks memory usage of addons and their bandwidth use
fubar- Charmsfu- gives me raidicons to 1click a raidicon on mobs
Fubar - CTraidfu- move CT_raid to fubar instead of minimap
Fubar- fishinbuddyfu - move fishingbuddy to fubar instead of minimap
fubar- omenfu- move omen options to fubar instead of minimap
fubar- recountfu- move recount options to fubar instead of minimap
fubar - RLAassistfu- few options for use in raids on your fubar
fubar - SWSTATSfu- move swstats button to fubar instead of minimap
fubar - xperlfu - move xperl options to your fubar instead of minimap
fubar2.0 ace2 - lets ace2 use fubar stuff
fubar 3.0 A panel that other mods can plug into
gemcount- adds a gem counter to your character view screen, by color
Improved Error Frame- More info on errors, trackable
Informant- displays auctioneer data in tooltips
Khaos- HUGE addon package and helps sort/manage addons. Name of the Cosmos addon package
Lib:Ace2 - used by LOTS of addons. tool library
Lib:Chatthrottlelib- keeps addons from fighting for bandwidth
Lib:FubarPlugin-2.0 used by fubar
Localization- lets you used other languages, and their addons
manufac - ace2 - Makes your tradeskills a dropdown menu instead of a screen. has tools too
Mapnotes- lets you add notes to worldmap
Mcom- tools for making new addons
Metahud- a HeadsUpDisplay in screen center to let you see additional information on you/mobs health/mana/etc
MetaHudOptions- used by metahud
Minigames- TictacToe, othello, connect4, and more. Ingame
Minimap Zoom- lets you zoom minimap with mousewheel
MobHealth3- Estimats mobs healths, so you get #, not just a %
Mobile Minimap Buttons - Lets you move minimap buttons around the minimap to any location. Detached minimap is better, but this is still useful
MobInfo - adds tooltips on mob health/mana
Monitor Status- Shows additional situational information for fights
MyAddons- an addon manager
Notepad- exactly what it sounds like
Notes'U'Need- tracks friend notes cross character
Notes'U'Need backup- used by notesuneed
Ogri'lazy- makes the apexis crystal simon game easy
omen- Tracks your current threat. Superb addon
Opium- Tracks kills for PVP stuff
PartyQuests- lets me see how party members are coming on quests
PartyCastingBars- Adds party member casting bars to their unit frames
PopBar- configurable action bars
Proximo- shows name/health of enemies during arena matches
Quartz ace2- Ultimate casting bar. Helps determine latency, etc
Questlog Level Patch - adds level of quests to quests
Ratingbuster ace2- Item stats breakdown, analysis, and comparison
ReagentHelper- tells you in tooltip what profession uses it
Recount- HIGHLY informing damage meter
ReloadUI- makes reloading UI easier/faster
ReURL- Click URLs to paste them in editbox
RPGO CharacterProfiler- exports toon data to a few websites
Satelite- Tool to add slash commands
Scrolling Combat Text (aka SCT) - lets combat info scroll over you same way damage scrolls over mobs
Scrub- ElitistJerks analysis of anyone's spec, and things that are BAD(in red) or might be good/not depending on gearetc in yellow
SCT Options- Scrolling Combat Text Options
Sea- used by other addons, a library
Social Mods - makes it easier to send messages/pages to people
Solarian Alarm- prevents you from fucking up solarian. mostly
Stubby- library used by other addons
SW fixlogstrings- SWstats modular plugin
SW_Stats - Damage meter than synchronizes with other's to be more accurate in raids
Sw_Stats_profiles- exports SWstats info
SW_Unilog- exports swstats info
Swatter- Helps Debug addons
TasteTheNamebow- color coordinates names to make it easy to follow chat
Telepathy- interprets some languages in game
Telepathy Versions- helps telepathy
Telltrack - keeps separate track of all tells, and lets you browse them
Theorycraft 2 - Translates stats (1 str = 2 ap on warr. so item with 8 str = 16 str, etc)
Thottbot- sends info to thottbot to update their database
Tipbuddy- Helps adjust tooltips
Tooltips: Complete- Customizes tooltip prioritization
TradeJunkie V2.15.2 - Shows which tradeskill recipes you are missing and where to get them
UIPanel Options- Makes roll frame stacking easier
Wardrobe- AL - keeps track of outfits for quickswitches
Weapon Quickswap - quickswitch weapons during combat
Wearme- assists wardrobe
World Map Info- Adds player and cursor coordinates to worldmap
Xperl-customizes player, pet, target, focus, and party frames.
X-perl arcane bars- X-perl Grim Reaper- Helps diagnose what killed you
X-perl Options - options for Xperl
Xperl Party - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Pet - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl playerbuffs - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Player - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Raid admin - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Raid Helper - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Raid pets - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Raidframes - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Target by - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Tutorial - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xperl Unitframes core - Xperl Modular Plugin
Xloot- Changes builtin lootframe
XraidStatus- Small configurable window with raid status
DeadlyBossmods- (aka DBM) Helps with Timers, warnings, etc on bosses
Deadly Battleground mods - DBM modular plugin
Deadly Black Temple Bossmods- DBM modular plugin
Deadly boss mod api- DBM modular plugin
Deadly boss mod gui- DBM modular plugin
Deadly hyjal boss mod- DBM modular plugin
Deadly Karazhan boss mod- DBM modular plugin
Deadly serpentshrine cavern boss mod- DBM modular plugin
Deadly the eye boss mod- DBM modular plugin
Deadly Zul Aman Boss mod- DBM modular plugin
Misc Deadly boss mods- DBM modular plugin

ReceiptBox - Standalone program that lets me view my Auctioneer data offline, daily profits, who buys what, etc.

Installed but turned off:
BetterKeyBinding- A replacement interface for keybinding
CombatrCaller- tells nearby players when you OOM or low health
CT_ExpenseHistory- tracks spending. Came with CT_raid, i dont like it
CT_ Barmod- generic barmod. Not that great. Came with CT_raid
CT_BottomBar- part of CT Barmod
DamageMeters- Comes with the Cosmos pack, worst of the many damage meters out there. Also the most common. This is the one that often duplicates people.
groupcalendar- helps plan raids. our guild doesnt use it tho
guild event manager v2- helps plan raids. our guild doesnt use it though.
Gymnast- tooltip mod. I replaced it
Necrosis- Superb warlock addon. Used it for ages. Finally replaced it, but highly recommend for any lock.
Recap- a damage meter comparable to Recount.
Titanpanel- I had BUNCHES of titanpanel stuff, i decided i like fubar better and they don't play nice with each other. I had titan panel ammo, bag, clock, coords, fishing buddy, item bonuses, loottype, money, performance, regen, repair, rider, stancesets, and xp plugins.
Tinity- core mod for trinity bars
Trinity Bars- Highly customizible barmod comparable to bartender. I eventually went with bartender because it lets you resize buttons. Trinity has better keybind support though.

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